Mohair Yarn Majesty: Elevate Your Craft with Nature's Silky Wonder

Dive into the captivating world of mohair yarn—a fiber celebrated for its luster, warmth, and versatility. This comprehensive guide covers every facet, from the array of vibrant colors to its unique benefits, and even tips for snagging discounts. If you're looking to elevate your crafting game, you've found your silky-smooth muse.

mohair yarn product


rich color

attactive price

Our Services

 Kingbird Mohair Yarn has very nice performance. Mohair fiber has low thermal conductivity and light texturevery, so it is close to wool fibers, makes the yarns has a good thermal insulation effect. The fibers that come out from the yarn is hairy. When a project is made from this acrylic yarn, it has a soft and warm appearance.

Table of Contents

mohair yarn

What is Mohair Yarn Made Of?

Mohair yarn is fascinating and rich in texture. But what makes it so special?


Mohair yarn is produced from the hair of the Angora goat. This breed is native to Turkey but has been widely domesticated worldwide.


After shearing, the fleece undergoes cleaning. It’s then spun into yarn, capturing its natural luster and sheen.


Mohair is known for its shine, elasticity, and durability. It’s soft but strong, ideal for many types of garments and accessories.

Quality Metrics

Quality varies based on the age of the Angora goat. Younger goats provide finer, softer mohair.

Unique Features

What sets mohair apart is its moisture-wicking properties. Unlike synthetic fibers, it breathes well, making it perfect for variable climates.

Environmental Impact

Mohair production tends to be eco-friendly. Angora goats are often raised on small, sustainable farms.


Often, you’ll find mohair yarn blended with other fibers, like silk or wool, to enhance its features.

Mohair is commonly used for luxurious sweaters, scarves, and home textiles.

Price Point

Pure mohair yarn is on the higher-end cost-wise, but its durability makes it a worthwhile investment.

Where to Buy

Look for vendors that adhere to ethical practices. Check out reviews and ask for samples if possible.

How to Care for Mohair Yarn Products?

Caring for mohair yarn items is crucial to prolong their life and beauty.

Washing Instructions

Most mohair products can be hand-washed in cold water. Use a mild detergent and avoid wringing.

Drying Tips

Lay the item flat on a towel to dry. Keep it away from direct sunlight or heat sources.

Storage Advice

Store your mohair items in a cool, dry place. Use cedar blocks to repel moths.

Repair and Maintenance

Small snags can be fixed easily. For larger issues, consult a professional.

Warning Signs

If your mohair item starts to pill, it may be a sign of wear. Consider a gentle de-pilling tool.

Regular Checks

Inspect your mohair items at the start and end of each season. This helps catch any issues early on.

Professional Cleaning

Some mohair items may require professional cleaning. Always read the care label.

Daily Use

For daily wear items, rotate with other garments to minimize stress and prolong life.

What to Avoid

Avoid using bleach or harsh chemicals. They can damage the fibers.


Online forums and blogs often have great tips on caring for mohair yarn items. Check them out for more advice.

What are the Best Mohair Yarn Patterns?

Patterns can make or break your mohair yarn project. Let’s delve into the best options for you.

Why Patterns Matter

Choosing the right pattern can elevate your mohair yarn project. The design should showcase the yarn’s unique features.


Mohair yarn sweaters often employ simple stitches to allow the texture to shine. Opt for patterns that are loose-fitting for maximum comfort.

Scarves and Shawls

Lacy patterns work exceptionally well with mohair yarn. Their open design allows the fiber’s natural loft to be displayed.

Home Décor

For throws and blankets, more intricate patterns can be used. These often blend mohair with other fibers for a multi-dimensional effect.

Hats and Gloves

Use patterns that focus on ribbing and cables. This gives your accessories both elasticity and style.


Not commonly used for socks, but if you do, choose patterns that feature strong heel and toe sections to counter mohair’s lack of elasticity.

Crochet Projects

Mohair yarn crochet projects shine with simple stitches. The yarn itself provides ample visual interest.

For Babies

If using mohair for baby items, opt for patterns that are easy to wash and lack small, detachable parts.

Expert Patterns

Advanced knitters might enjoy patterns that feature complex stitches, blending mohair with other yarns for a unique look.

Mohair Yarn Patterns Resources

Many online platforms offer free and premium patterns designed specifically for mohair yarn.

Final Thoughts

Whatever pattern you choose, make sure it aligns with your skill level and the characteristics of your mohair yarn.

How Does Mohair Yarn Compare to Wool Yarn?

The battle of the fibers: mohair versus wool. Let’s find out which reigns supreme.


Mohair is silkier and shinier than wool. Wool is generally softer and plusher.


Mohair is more durable and resistant to dirt and stains. Wool is also durable but may require more frequent cleaning.


Wool yarn offers more elasticity. Mohair is stiffer but compensates with its natural luster.


Both are excellent insulators, but wool has a slight edge when it comes to retaining heat.


Mohair is less likely to cause allergic reactions compared to wool, making it a better option for sensitive skin.


Mohair tends to be pricier than wool. However, its luxurious texture and durability often justify the cost.

Environmental Impact

Both fibers are natural and biodegradable. However, mohair often comes from smaller, more sustainable farming operations.

Care Requirements

Both require special care, but wool is often more tolerant of machine washing on gentle cycles.

Use Cases

Wool is more versatile and can be used for a wider range of projects. Mohair is best for specific, luxurious items.

Final Verdict

Both have their merits and drawbacks. Your choice should depend on the specific needs of your project.

Where to Buy High-Quality Mohair Yarn?

Finding top-notch mohair yarn is crucial for your crafting journey. Here are your go-to sources.

Local Yarn Stores

Your community yarn shop is a treasure trove of high-quality mohair yarn. Local stores often carry unique, artisanal options.

Online Shops

Various e-commerce platforms specialize in yarn. Always read reviews and possibly order samples before making a bulk purchase.

Craft Fairs

Craft fairs and knitting expos often feature vendors selling specialty mohair yarns. Here, you can often speak directly with the producers.

Direct from Farms

Some Angora goat farms sell their mohair yarn directly. This is a great way to ensure ethical sourcing.

Specialty Boutiques

High-end boutiques often stock luxury mohair yarn brands. These are pricier but are usually of the highest quality.

Mohair Yarn Sale Events

Keep an eye out for sales events, both online and offline. These are great opportunities to snag high-quality mohair yarn at a discount.

Wholesale Options

If you’re planning a large project, consider buying wholesale for cost-effectiveness. Verify the supplier’s credentials before committing.

International Sellers

Some countries are renowned for their mohair production. Consider importing if you’re after a very specific type.

What to Look For

When buying, check for luster, softness, and the twist of the yarn. These factors often indicate quality.

Final Thoughts

Regardless of where you buy, always ensure the vendor complies with ethical and quality standards.

What is the Durability of Mohair Yarn?

Durability is a major perk when it comes to mohair yarn. Let’s explore why this is the case.

Fiber Strength

Mohair fibers are notably strong. This inherent strength contributes to the yarn’s longevity.

Resistance to Dirt

The smooth surface of mohair fibers repels dirt and stains, reducing the need for frequent cleaning.

Low Pilling

Mohair is less prone to pilling compared to other natural fibers, which aids in its longevity.

Elasticity Factor

While not as elastic as some fibers, mohair’s moderate elasticity helps maintain shape over time.

Moisture Wicking

Mohair’s ability to wick moisture away from itself reduces the risk of mold and odors, further contributing to its durability.

UV Resistance

Mohair fibers are somewhat resistant to UV degradation, making them ideal for outdoor use.

Blend Durability

When blended with other fibers like silk or wool, the resultant yarn can be even more durable.

Care Factor

Proper care can significantly extend the life of your mohair items. Follow all care guidelines diligently.

Environmental Impact

The long lifespan of mohair items makes them a sustainable choice, reducing the need for frequent replacements.


Mohair yarn offers exceptional durability, making it a wise investment for a range of knitting and crochet projects.

What are the Benefits of Mohair Yarn?

Mohair yarn is not just another yarn; it’s a luxurious choice with undeniable advantages.

Texture and Shine

Mohair yarn has a luster that most other fibers lack. This natural sheen adds a high-end feel to your projects.

Lightweight Warmth

Though light, mohair offers excellent insulation. It keeps you warm without weighing you down.


Mohair is exceptionally durable. Your projects will stand the test of time, looking fresh even after extended use.

Hypoallergenic Properties

People with sensitive skin can find solace in mohair’s hypoallergenic properties. It’s generally well-tolerated by most skin types.


From sweaters to scarves, mohair can be used in various projects. Its distinct texture makes it suitable for both simple and intricate patterns.

Easy Care

Although delicate, mohair yarn is relatively easy to care for. It resists dirt and stains, requiring less frequent cleaning.

Natural Fiber

Being a natural fiber, mohair is biodegradable and eco-friendly. Your crafting can be both beautiful and responsible.

Blend Potential

Mohair blends beautifully with other fibers like silk and wool, adding its unique properties to various yarn types.

Color Retention

Thanks to its smooth fiber structure, mohair holds dyes exceptionally well, resulting in vibrant, long-lasting colors.

Final Takeaway

The benefits of using mohair yarn are numerous, making it a wise choice for those who are serious about their crafting.

How to Crochet with Mohair Yarn?

Crocheting with mohair yarn is a rewarding endeavor if you know the ropes.

Tools Selection

Choose crochet hooks with smooth surfaces to minimize snagging. A size larger than recommended can make the work easier.

Gauge and Tension

Before starting, make a gauge swatch. Mohair yarn crochet often requires a looser tension than other fibers.

Stitch Choices

Opt for simpler stitches like single or double crochet. Mohair’s texture adds complexity without needing intricate stitches.

Handling the Yarn

Hold the yarn lightly to allow its natural loft and texture to shine through.

Combining Yarns

You can crochet mohair with another yarn to add stability and reduce the halo effect, if desired.

Unwinding Mistakes

Be cautious when unraveling your work. Mohair can snag and felt, making it difficult to undo.


Wet blocking can help set your stitches and give your project a finished look. Use cool water and mild soap.

Finishing Touches

For edging, use simpler stitches to maintain focus on the mohair texture.

Mohair Yarn for Crochet Resources

Several resources offer specialized crochet patterns tailored for mohair yarn. Explore to find one that fits your skill level.

Concluding Tips

Crocheting with mohair may require some adjustment but the results are well worth the effort.

What are the Various Mohair Yarn Colors Available?

When it comes to mohair yarn colors, the sky’s the limit. Unveil a palette that adds panache to your projects.

Natural Hues

Mohair comes in natural shades like white, gray, and brown. These colors offer an earthy aesthetic.


Pastels like baby pink, lavender, and sky blue are common. They lend a soft, ethereal look to your creations.

Vibrant Shades

From bright red to electric blue, vibrant colors provide an energetic vibe to your projects.

Dark Tones

Rich colors like navy, forest green, and maroon are also available. They offer a sense of depth and sophistication.

Ombre and Variegated

For those who enjoy a mix, ombre and variegated options add a multi-dimensional touch.


Some mohair yarns come spun with metallic fibers, adding a shimmering effect.

Custom Dyeing

Several vendors offer custom dyeing services. Get your unique shade for that special project.

Seasonal Colors

Special colorways often become available during holidays or seasons. Think pumpkin orange for autumn or icy blues for winter.

Color Fastness

Quality mohair yarn retains its color well. Always look for this trait when choosing your yarn.

Concluding Remarks

With such an array of colors, mohair yarn allows you to let your imagination run wild.

Are There Any Mohair Yarn Sales or Discounts?

Everyone loves a good deal. When it comes to mohair yarn sales, timing and research are key.

Seasonal Sales

Many vendors offer sales during specific seasons. Fall and spring are common periods for discounts.

Holiday Specials

Look out for holiday deals like Black Friday or Christmas sales. These are usually significant markdowns.

Clearance Sales

When stores refresh their stock, old inventory often goes on sale. Keep an eye on clearance sections.

Online Coupons

Many online stores offer coupons or discount codes. Subscribe to newsletters to stay updated.

Loyalty Programs

Some shops have loyalty programs that offer periodic discounts. Make sure to utilize these if available.

Flash Sales

Random flash sales can occur online. These are usually brief but offer steep discounts.

Bulk Discounts

Buying in large quantities often comes with a price break. Especially useful for big projects.

Outlet Stores

Some brands have outlet stores that offer discounted products year-round. These can be online or physical shops.

Auction Sites

Websites like eBay sometimes have mohair yarn at discounted prices. Be cautious about the quality and source.

Final Tips

While discounts are appealing, never compromise on quality. Always ensure the sale yarn meets your project needs.

What is Mohair Yarn? A Deep Dive into the Luxurious Fiber


Mohair yarn, often referred to as the "diamond fiber," is a luxurious and radiant yarn that has been cherished for centuries. Its unique sheen, combined with its softness and warmth, makes it a sought-after material in the textile industry. From high-end fashion garments to cozy home décor, mohair has found its place in various applications, offering both comfort and elegance. As we delve deeper into the world of textiles, understanding the nuances of each yarn type becomes crucial. And today, we're shining the spotlight on mohair yarn, exploring its origins, characteristics, and its significance in the modern textile landscape.

Origin and Production of Mohair Yarn

Where Does Mohair Come From?

Mohair yarn is derived from the fleece of the Angora goat, not to be confused with the Angora rabbit, which produces Angora wool. These goats are known for their silky and lustrous coat, which has been harvested for yarn production for thousands of years. Originating from the Ankara region in Turkey, the Angora goat and its precious fleece soon found its way across the globe, with major mohair production now taking place in countries like South Africa and the United States.

The Journey from Fleece to Yarn:

ShearingAngora goats are sheared twice a year, yielding a fleece that is free from harm or discomfort to the animal.
Sorting & GradingThe sheared fleece is sorted based on its quality, length, and fineness. Only the best fibers are selected for mohair yarn production.
WashingThe selected fleece undergoes a thorough washing process to remove any dirt, grease, or impurities.
CardingPost-washing, the fibers are carded to disentangle and align them in preparation for spinning.
SpinningThe carded fibers are then spun into yarn, ready to be dyed and woven into various products.

For those interested in exploring the vast range of mohair yarn products, our Kingeagle collection offers a curated selection of the finest mohair yarns, reflecting our commitment to quality and craftsmanship.

Characteristics of Mohair Yarn

Characteristics of Mohair Yarn

Mohair yarn is often celebrated for its distinctive properties that set it apart from other natural fibers. Here's a closer look at some of its standout characteristics:

  • Luster and Sheen: One of the first things you'll notice about mohair is its radiant sheen. This natural luster gives fabrics made from mohair a luxurious and elegant appearance, making it a favorite for fashion-forward garments.

  • Durability and Resilience: Mohair fibers are notably strong, ensuring that products made from this yarn are not only beautiful but also long-lasting. Its natural resilience means it resists wrinkling and maintains its shape over time.

  • Warmth and Insulation Properties: Despite its lightweight nature, mohair offers exceptional warmth. Its hollow fibers provide excellent insulation, making it perfect for cozy winter wear.

  • Dye Retention: Mohair's ability to retain dye is unparalleled. This results in vibrant, long-lasting colors that don't fade easily, ensuring that garments and textiles remain as striking as the day they were crafted.

Benefits of Using Mohair Yarn

Beyond its inherent characteristics, mohair yarn offers a plethora of benefits that make it a top choice for knitters, crocheters, and textile enthusiasts:

  • Comfort and Softness: Mohair is incredibly soft to the touch, providing a level of comfort that's hard to match. Whether it's a scarf, sweater, or blanket, mohair products are a delight against the skin.

  • Breathability: Unlike some synthetic fibers, mohair is highly breathable. This ensures that while it keeps you warm, it also allows for adequate air circulation, preventing overheating.

  • Natural Fiber Benefits: Being a natural fiber, mohair is biodegradable and environmentally friendly. It also possesses hypoallergenic properties, making it suitable for those with sensitive skin.

  • Versatility in Knitting and Crocheting: Mohair's unique texture and drape make it a favorite for various projects. From intricate lace patterns to chunky knits, mohair is adaptable to a range of styles and techniques.

Mohair yarn, with its unique blend of beauty and functionality, finds its way into a myriad of products. Its versatility is showcased in the diverse range of items it can be used to create. Here are some of the most popular uses of mohair yarn:

  • Fashion:

    • Sweaters: Mohair sweaters are not only warm but also make a stylish statement with their distinctive sheen.
    • Scarves: A mohair scarf adds a touch of luxury to any outfit, ensuring warmth without compromising on style.
    • Shawls: Elegant mohair shawls are perfect for draping over the shoulders on cooler evenings, combining comfort with fashion.
  • Home Decor:

    • Blankets: Mohair blankets are a favorite for those seeking both warmth and a chic addition to their home decor.
    • Throws: Draping a mohair throw over a sofa or bed adds a touch of sophistication to any room.
  • Artistic Endeavors:

    • Tapestries: The luster of mohair yarn brings out the beauty in woven tapestries, making them a centerpiece in any setting.
    • Crafts: From plush toys to decorative items, mohair's texture and sheen make it a top choice for various crafts.

Caring for Mohair Yarn Products

To ensure that your mohair products retain their beauty and functionality over time, it's essential to care for them properly. Here are some recommendations and tips:

Washing and Drying Recommendations:

  • Hand Wash: Use cold water and a mild detergent. Avoid wringing the item; instead, gently press out excess water.
  • Drying: Lay the item flat on a clean towel, reshaping it as needed. Avoid hanging as it may stretch the fabric.
  • Avoid High Heat: Mohair is sensitive to heat. Refrain from using a dryer or ironing the product.

Storing Mohair Items:

  • Air Out: Before storing, ensure the item is clean and dry. Periodically air it out to refresh the fibers.
  • Avoid Direct Sunlight: Store mohair products away from direct sunlight to prevent fading.
  • Use Breathable Bags: When storing for extended periods, use breathable fabric bags instead of plastic.

Tips to Maintain the Yarn's Quality Over Time:

  • Moth Prevention: Use natural repellents like cedar or lavender to keep moths at bay.
  • Avoid Abrasive Surfaces: To prevent pilling, avoid rubbing mohair items

    against rough surfaces.

  • Regular Care: Periodically inspect your mohair items for any signs of wear or damage and address them promptly.

For more insights into the world of textiles and yarn care, explore our informative articles, such as How to Brush Yarn and Which Yarn is Best for Crochet.

Kingeagle and Mohair Yarn

In the vast landscape of textile brands, Kingeagle stands out as a beacon of quality and craftsmanship. With a legacy rooted in excellence, Kingeagle has carved a niche for itself in the world of premium yarns.

Kingeagle's Commitment to Quality

At the heart of Kingeagle's success is an unwavering commitment to quality. Every strand of mohair yarn that bears the Kingeagle name undergoes rigorous quality checks, ensuring that it meets the brand's high standards. This dedication to excellence is evident in the softness, luster, and durability of Kingeagle's mohair yarns.

Dive deeper into the world of yarns and textiles with these handpicked articles from our blog:


As we wrap up our exploration of mohair yarn, it's evident that this luxurious fiber holds a special place in the textile world. Its unique blend of luster, warmth, and durability makes it a favorite among fashion enthusiasts and crafters alike. From the elegant drapes of high-end fashion garments to the cozy embrace of a hand-knitted blanket, mohair yarn adds a touch of opulence to every creation.

For those who have yet to experience the magic of mohair, we encourage you to dive in and discover its myriad applications. Whether you're a seasoned knitter or someone looking to elevate their wardrobe, mohair yarn promises a journey of creativity and luxury.

Call to Action

Inspired by the world of mohair? We invite you to explore Kingeagle's premium mohair yarn collection and immerse yourself in a realm of quality and craftsmanship. Each product is a testament to our commitment to excellence, ensuring that you get nothing but the best.

We'd love to hear from you! Share your comments, questions, or personal experiences with mohair yarn in the section below. Whether you've crafted a masterpiece or discovered a new favorite mohair product, your insights enrich our community. Dive into the world of mohair with Kingeagle and let's weave stories of beauty and elegance together.

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About Jessica Li

20+ years of experience in yarn manufacturing, leading the development and production of numerous yarns. Tell us your needs for a one-stop yarn solution.